Statistical Study of the Effects of Four Different Fungicides on the Growth and Yield of Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L) via a Control

B.A. Uchendu1 & J. A. L. Effiong2
1Department of Mathematics/Statistics, Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, Owerri, Nigeria
2Department of Agricultural Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, Owerri, Nigeria


In this research work, Statistical Analysis of the Effect of Four
Different Fungicides on the Growth of Beans (Phaseolus vulagaris), we applied the univariate data analysis on the growth characteristics of Phaseolus vulgaris via an untreated check (control) by considering four factors; the Harvest Yield, the Herbage Yield, the Mean Number of Flowers and Mean Height. There were a total of one thousand four hundred seeds, all of which were of the same species and of the same characteristics. Two hundred of these seeds were not treated with any of the fungicides while every other two hundred of the remaining were treated with four fungicides, Chinoin Fundazol, Agrocit, Anthracol and
Difolatan. The experiment was performed using the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The analysis was further improved using the Multivariate Analytical Technique. It was concluded that no significant differences exist in the Mean Harvest, Meam Herbage Yield and the Mean Height between the Fungicides treated seeds and that of the Control. Keywords: Phaselus Vulgaris, Herbage Yield, Mean Height, Harvest Yield.

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