1Bem, V. N, 2Robert .B. and 3A.O. Olayiwola
1Registry Department Federal University of Agriculture
2Policy and Research Unit, Centre for Research and Innovation, Minna
3Department of Political Science, Lagos State University, Ojo


Over the past years, the society has witnessed an alarming rate of separation, divorce, marital dissatisfaction, lost of affection between couples and cases of marital violence, even in Africa and its damn implications on the life of the African youths.
Everywhere today, people are searching for lasting and meaningful relationships. The myth of romance continues to be taken for granted by millions, and a new generation of young men
and women has accepted the belief that sexual freedom is the key to fulfillment. But as desperately as people want to believe in the sexual revolution of the last few decades, it is
clear to many of them that something has gone terribly wrong. Instead of bringing freedom, the sexual revolution has left countless wounded and isolated. As we face the great anguish
around us, it is more important than ever for all of us, young and old, to consider the direction of our lives and ask ourselves where we are headed. There is tremendous pain among broken families. This lead to battered wives, neglected and abused children, and sinful relationships. Yet instead of an outcry, there is indifference. When will we wake up and realize that our apathy is destroying us? There is need for readily available and versatile goal-directed
counseling. Goal-directed counseling is counseling which identified discrete divorce related problems and fashions a treatment programme.

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