Incidence of Gastrointestinal Protozoans causing Diarrhoea amongst Out-patients attending Yobe State Specialist Hospital Damaturu

1Biu A.A., 2Yakaka W., 3Mustapha F.B., 1Zango M.K., 1Lawan F.A. and 1Ali, A. H.

 1Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria

2 Department of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria

3 Department of Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Maiduguri



Gastrointestinal parasitism is extremely common with approximately 70% prevalence worldwide associated with diarrhea. This study was conducted on the incidence of gastrointestinal protozoal parasites responsible for diarrhea amongst out-patients of Yobe State Specialist Hospital Damaturu, Nigeria. The formol-ether concentration technique was used for stool evaluation. Out of the 250 randomly sampled stools examined an overall incidence of 134 (53.6%) were obtained, and the protozoans identified were Entamoeba coli 60(44.8%), Entamoeba histolytica 55(41.1%) and Giardia lamblia 19(41.2%) (p<0.05). Sex-wise, male out-patients were more infected 74(55.2%) than female 60(44.8%)(p<0.05), while age-wise the younger age bracket of 6-18 years had a 72 (53.7%) mean incidence, higher than age bracket of > 18 -60 years with 62 (46.3%)(p<0.05). The microscopic appearance of the protozoan in this study was also recorded. Inference from these findings was that age and sex are competent risk factors in this study area.

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