Exercise, a Veritable Tool for Prevention and Control of Obesity and Overweight

Nwezeh, G.O.1 and Ugbabe, P.2

1Nutrition/Dietetics Department, Federal Polytechnic, Bida, Niger State, Nigeria.

2Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism Management Department, Federal Polytechnic, Bida, Niger State, Nigeria.

E-mail: nwezehgodfrey@yahoo.com


Exercise is a physical or mental exertion to increase skill or strength. It is also defined as activity requiring physical effort carried out especially to sustain or improve health and fitness. Overweight however, refers to an excess amount of bodyweight that may come from muscles, bone, fats, and water, obesity refers to the excess amount of body fat. Keeping active can help people stay at a healthy weight or lose weight. It can also lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, osteoporosis and certain cancers as well as reduce stress and boost healthy mood. Experts measure the intensity of physical activity in metabolic equivalents or METs for short. One (1) MET is defined as the calories burned while an individual sits quietly for one (1) minute for average adult, that is about one (1) calorie per every 2.2 pounds of body weight per an hour. Worldwide, people are less active today than they were decades ago. While studies have shown that sports and leisure activity levels have remained stable or increased slightly. Physical activity seems to work best when combined with a lower calorie eating plan in controlling overweight and obesity. Treatment for obesity and overweight may include a mix of behavioural treatment which include; diet, exercise and sometimes weight loss drugs. In some cases like extreme obesity, weight loss by surgery may be an option. In making recommendations, it is important to bear in mind that staying active is not purely an individual choice. Therefore, the following recommendations were proffered; provisions of parks, playing grounds, within neighbourhood; and provision of side- walks, bike paths in Nigerian roads to serve as source of motivation to those that desire to exercise and lose weight.

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